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industry leading trading platforms

We provide our traders with industry-leading platforms to ensure optimal performance and execution. Our carefully selected suite of trading platforms combines powerful features with user-friendly interfaces to meet the diverse needs of our traders.


Choose your
Evaluation Program

Get funded up to $200,000 and receive above industry standard profit share of 90% on your earnings. QT’s trading goals are grounded in solid risk management principles, designed to ensure that clients can effectively manage these risks. By meeting these goals, traders can improve their skills and develop healthy, sustainable trading habits.
How to choose the right evaluation for me?

Choose Your Evaluation type
Choose Number Of Evaluation Steps
Trading Platforms
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Select Your Evaluation Type
Select Your Evaluation Steps
Account Balance

Step 1



Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$95 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1





Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$60 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$48 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1



Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$200 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$144 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$120 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1



Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$285 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$216 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time Limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$180 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1



Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$720 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$420 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$336 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1



Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$900 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$816 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$564 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$60 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$48 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$144 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$120 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$216 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$180 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1





Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$420 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$336 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$816 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1







Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$564 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$95 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 7% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$60 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$48 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$200 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$144 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$120 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$285 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$216 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$180 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$485 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$420 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$336 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$1,341 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$816 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$564 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$60 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$48 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$144 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$120 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$216 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$180 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1





Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$420 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$336 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$816 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$564 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$95 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$60 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% 6%

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$48 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$200 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$144 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$120 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1



Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$285 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$216 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time Limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$180 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1



Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$720 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$420 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$336 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$900 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$816 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$564 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1





Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$60 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$48 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$144 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$120 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$216 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$180 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$420 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$336 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$816 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$564 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$95 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$60 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$48 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$200 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$144 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$120 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$285 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$216 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time Limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$180 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$720 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$420 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$336 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
5 days 5 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
6% 6%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
10% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$900 Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$816 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$564 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$60 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$48 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$144 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$120 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$216 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$180 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$420 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$336 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
10% 10% 10%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
7% 5% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$816 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Step 4

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
4% 4% 4% 4%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$564 Free Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Time limit
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Time limit

This objective does not have a set time constraint. You can take as long as needed to complete your trading objectives within the current evaluation cycle. There is no deadline or expiration date to meet your targets.

Minimum trading days
4 days 4 days 4 days

What does this objective mean?

To meet this objective, you must trade for at least 4 days during the current duration cycle. At least one position must be opened on each of these days. A trading day is defined as a day when at least one trade is executed. If a trade is held over multiple days, only the day when the trade was executed is considered to be the trading day.

Maximum Daily Loss
3% 3% 3%

This represents the maximum amount you are allowed to lose in a single trading day. Once you hit this loss limit, you have breached and will not be able to continue to trade. The loss is calculated based on a percentage of your account. This limit helps manage risk and protect your trading capital.

Maximum Loss
8% 8% 8%

This is the absolute maximum loss allowed across your entire trading period. If your total losses reach this amount at any point, trading ceases immediately and your account has been breached. This limit is higher than the daily loss limit and serves as your ultimate stop-loss point to protect your account from excessive losses. It represents the maximum drawdown allowed during your evaluation.

Profit Target
6% 6% X

This objective sets the minimum profit you need to achieve to successfully complete the trading challenge. Once you reach this target, you have fulfilled the profit requirement and will move to the next phase. The target is expressed as a percentage of your account value. Remember that you must still comply with other trading rules even after reaching this target.

$21.88 Free Free

This represents the initial fee paid to participate in the trading program.